Employment supports are one call away.
How it works?
Inroads to Opportunities is an approved provider of NJ Division of Vocational Services, NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. In order to receive employment services with Inroads, we encourage you to contact DVR and let them know you want to work with us. Once you are referred to our program, we will connect you with an employment specialist and work towards your employment goals.
Contact DVR Today:
Union County, NJ DVR: 908-965-3940
Essex County, NJ DVR: 973-648-3494 | 973-648-2927
Middlesex County, NJ DVR: 732-937-6300
Inroads Employment
Harry Jones- Assistant Director of Vocational Services Hjonesiv@inroadsto.com
(908) 241-7200
Inroads to Opportunities 301 Cox Street
Roselle, NJ 07203