Inroads to Opportunities is an approved vendor of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide benefits counseling to transition students, first time employees and adults embarking on competitive integrated employment.
As an Employment Network, Inroads to Opportunities is here for you with a supportive, individualized approach to benefits counseling.
Our focus is on helping you understand the work incentives designed specifically for Social Security beneficiaries, and to remove the fear that if you work you will lose your cash benefits and medical coverage.
1 General overview of work incentives based on the type of benefit you receive (SSI/SSDI or both).
2 Once an employment goal has been established by your DVRS counselor, our benefits counselor will provide a more detailed report that shows how employment will impact your benefits based on your earnings goal.
3 Once you get a job, our benefits counselor will provide an updated report based on actual earnings. This will provide you with even more accurate information that will help you make the best decision for you and your family.
SSI- Supplemental Security Income
SSD-Social Security Disability