Staff Spotlight: Tammy Minch


Q: Tell us about your journey at Inroads to Opportunities?

A: I worked for Inroads (formerly OCUC) many years ago. The participants and staff were absolutely amazing and had left a big impact on me. After leaving Inroads, I told myself that when my children were bigger, that I would return back one day. In 2019, I returned to Inroads and was able to reconnect with so many participants as well as staff that I had originally worked with. It was truly such a great feeling.

Q: What are the main challenges that you face as Mental Health Counselor?

A: Currently, the biggest challenge is witnessing how the pandemic has changed so many of the participants everyday lives. Some are still not able to visit family or friends, or to simply go to a store that they enjoyed. It has been a very difficult journey for them.

Q: Describe your best day at work?

A: Everyday our program participants will say “thank you for helping me”. Knowing that I’m making even the smallest difference in their life is very rewarding and a good day.

Q: What is something that can only happen at Inroads?

A: Not taking ourselves too seriously. Lots of caring, silliness and laughing as well as being true to ourselves. At Inroads, everyone feels like they belong.

Q: Due to COVID-19, these past couple years have been very challenging. How have they been in your perspective and how did they reflect on your job as Mental Health Counselor?

A: The past two years have been incredibly challenging for everyone. However, the positive is that we are all in this together and this makes it easier to relate and help participants.

Q: What does Inroads look like to you in 5 years from now?

I believe Inroads will continue to grow in number and continue to succeed in helping participants reach their goals.

Q: Who is Tammy Minch in 3 words?

A: Compassionate, Sincere, Fun.

Tammy Minch pictured with Inroads Day Habilitation during our Thanksgiving Turkey Arts and Craft project.


Holiday Express 2021


Union County Workforce Development Board Appoints Cyndy Walsh Rintzler to Chair Disabilities Committee.