Staff Spotlight March 2021


We would like to introduce you to Amy Vanclief, Transition Counselor at Inroads to Opportunities. 

Q- Tell us about your journey at Inroads to Opportunities? 

A- I started working at Inroads in February 2020, right before the pandemic started. Since the pandemic my routine and schedule changed many times. The students in the Transition Program however work on vocational lessons geared for job preparation, generally followed by paid time for workshop hours. 

Q- What are the main challenges that you face as Transition Counselor at Inroads? 

A- Some challenges are working on a hybrid model of some students being home zooming in virtually and some students being in person. We try to accommodate everyone based on their needs and learning styles, but sometimes it’s difficult. 

Q- Would you like to describe your best day at work? 

A- My best day at work is seeing the participants and the transition students happy and content. 

Q- What is something that can only happen at Inroads?  

A- The staff participants and students are welcoming and accommodating. Everyone is supportive and caring.  

Q- This year we went to having 250 program participants, to having 25 staff members, to having temps doing the production. How has this year been in your perspective?  

A- I spent the summer not having the traditional summer program for my students. We ended up doing a hybrid learning model and I also worked in the workshop doing production. During that time, I learned so much about production and the participant’s perspective regarding this.  

Q-Who is Amy Vanclief in 3 words?  

A- Kind, creative and compassionate.


Staff Spotlight April 2021


Staff Spotlight February 2021