Staff Spotlight February 2021

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

We would like to introduce you to Patty Johns, Workshop Supervisor at Inroads to Opportunities.

Tell us about your journey at Inroads to Opportunities? 

I joined Inroads in May 2016. Even though it was a completely new opportunity for me, I immediately started to enjoy it. I love what I do. The participants are wonderful and everyone treats each other with mutual respect. Everything has been good during this journey and hopefully it will last many years.  


What are the challenges as Supervisor at Inroads? 

One of the biggest challenges is learning how to work with individuals who have mental health challenges because their personality can change day-to-day. Sometimes it’s hard to keep them engaged. As a supervisor I try to help them maintain a positive mood. 

Another challenge is when working with participants who struggle with hand eye coordination. I often sit closer to them and work one on one to show them how to do a particular job. They might struggle at first but once they get it, the smile on their face is what get me through.  


Would you like to share with us what’s the best day at work looks like here at Inroads? 

I used to have participants that would take pictures with me in groups and hang them on the wall by my work area. They would always greet me with a big smile and ask to see how I am doing. The participants make me feel welcome when I come to work.   


What is something that can only happen at Inroads? 

At Inroads you feel loved when you walk in. I am glad some of the participants are back and I have the chance to work with them. That’s what makes me happy and I am very thankful for this opportunity.   


How has the past year been in your perspective? 

The past year was very tough. Everything started in March 2020 when we had to send the participants home due to the pandemic. Luckily our management team decided to keep going and we all stayed and pitched in. We put in a lot of long hours, weekends and overtime, which was stressful but we did all of it for the participants because we wanted them to come back to a safe training environment.   


What will Inroads look like in the next 5 years? 

Hopefully, Inroads will grow and get bigger and we will have the need for another warehouse. There are so many people out there that can benefit from coming here for vocational rehabilitation services. It’s my hope that in 5 years we will have more program participants to train.  


Who is Patty in 3 words? 

Caring, sympathetic and passionate.


Staff Spotlight March 2021


Valentine's for Homeless Veterans